Cooking - Cooktops

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Whirlpool21-inch Electric Cooktop with Stainless Steel Surface

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Whirlpool 21-inch Electric Cooktop with Stainless Steel Surface

out of 5. 1 review(s)

Chrome Drip Bowls, 1-6" & 1-8" Coil Elements, Power On Light, Infinite Heat Controls, Chrome Drip Bowls

Model Color Price
RCS2012RS Black-on-stainless $709.99
Whirlpool15-inch Electric Cooktop with Easy Wipe Ceramic Glass

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Whirlpool 15-inch Electric Cooktop with Easy Wipe Ceramic Glass

out of 5. 4 review(s)

Easy-Wipe Ceramic Glass Cooktop, Built-In Oven Compatible, Built-In Oven Compatible, Hot Surface Light Indicator, Built-In Oven Compatible

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
W5CE1522FB Black $859.99 $86.00 $773.99
WhirlpoolWhirlpool® 30" Electric Cooktop

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Whirlpool Whirlpool® 30" Electric Cooktop

out of 5. 22 review(s)

Chrome Drip Bowls, Hot Surface Indicator Light, Chrome Drip Bowls, Power On Light, Side Mount Controls

Model Color Price
WCC31430AW White $709.99
Whirlpool30-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Dual Radiant Element

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Whirlpool 30-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Dual Radiant Element

out of 5. 50 review(s)

Properly install with either a 30 or 40 amp hookup, Cook small dishes on a 6" Extra Element, Cook small dishes on an 8" Extra Element, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Wiping up spills is simple with the easy-to-clean cooktop

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE55US0HB Black $999.99 $400.00 $599.99
WCE55US0HS Stainless Steel $1099.99 $110.00 $989.99
WCE55US0HW White $999.99 $100.00 $899.99
Whirlpool24-inch Compact Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop

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Whirlpool 24-inch Compact Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop

Properly install with either a 30 or 40 amp hookup, Cook small dishes on a 6" Extra Element, Cook small dishes on an 8" Extra Element, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Wiping up spills is simple with the easy-to-clean cooktop

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE55US4HB Black $1009.99 $101.00 $908.99
Whirlpool36-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Dual Radiant Element

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Whirlpool 36-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Dual Radiant Element

out of 5. 6 review(s)

5 Element Cooktop, 5-Element Cooktop, Cook small dishes on a 6" Extra Element, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Wiping up spills is simple with the easy-to-clean cooktop

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE55US6HB Black $1099.99 $300.00 $799.99
Whirlpool30-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Two Dual Radiant Elements

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Whirlpool 30-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Two Dual Radiant Elements

out of 5. 20 review(s)

5 Element Cooktop, 5-Element Cooktop, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Wiping up spills is simple with the easy-to-clean cooktop, ENERGY STAR Certified to help save money on your utility bills

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE77US0HB Black $1199.99 $400.00 $799.99
WCE77US0HS Stainless Steel $1299.99 $350.00 $949.99
Whirlpool36-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Two Dual Radiant Elements

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Whirlpool 36-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Two Dual Radiant Elements

out of 5. 3 review(s)

5 Element Cooktop, 5-Element Cooktop, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Wiping up spills is simple with the easy-to-clean cooktop, Get two elements in one with a FLEXHEAT dual radiant element

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE77US6HB Black $1299.99 $300.00 $999.99
WCE77US6HS Stainless Steel $1399.99 $400.00 $999.99
Whirlpool30-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Two Dual Radiant Elements

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Whirlpool 30-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Two Dual Radiant Elements

5 Element Cooktop, 5-Element Cooktop, Cook small dishes on a 6" Extra Element, Cook small dishes on an 8" Extra Element, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE97US0KB Black $1449.99 $350.00 $1,099.99
WCE97US0KS Stainless Steel $1549.99 $350.00 $1,199.99
Whirlpool36-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Triple Radiant Element

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Whirlpool 36-inch Electric Ceramic Glass Cooktop with Triple Radiant Element

5 Element Cooktop, 5-Element Cooktop, Cook small dishes on a 6" Extra Element, Cook small dishes on an 8" Extra Element, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCE97US6KB Black $1549.99 $350.00 $1,199.99
WCE97US6KS Stainless Steel $1649.99 $350.00 $1,299.99
Whirlpool30-inch Gas Cooktop with EZ-2-Lift™ Hinged Cast-Iron Grates

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Whirlpool 30-inch Gas Cooktop with EZ-2-Lift™ Hinged Cast-Iron Grates

Easily maintain low, even heat with the 5K BTU Simmer Burner, Use your multi-purpose burners for daily cooking and searing, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Get Cooking Flexibility with a range of burner sizes and power levels, The cast-iron grates are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCGK5030PB Black $1049.99 $105.00 $944.99
WCGK5030PS Stainless Steel $1149.99 $550.00 $599.99
WCGK5030PV Black Stainless $1249.99 $125.00 $1,124.99
WCGK5030PW White $1049.99 $105.00 $944.99
Whirlpool36-inch Gas Cooktop with EZ-2-Lift™ Hinged Cast-Iron Grates

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Whirlpool 36-inch Gas Cooktop with EZ-2-Lift™ Hinged Cast-Iron Grates

Easily maintain low, even heat with the 5K BTU Simmer Burner, Use your multi-purpose burners for daily cooking and searing, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Get Cooking Flexibility with a range of burner sizes and power levels, The cast-iron grates are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCGK5036PB Black $1149.99 $115.00 $1,034.99
WCGK5036PS Stainless Steel $1249.99 $550.00 $699.99
WCGK5036PV Black Stainless $1349.99 $135.00 $1,214.99
WCGK5036PW White $1149.99 $115.00 $1,034.99
Whirlpool30-inch Gas Cooktop with Fifth Burner

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Whirlpool 30-inch Gas Cooktop with Fifth Burner

Easily maintain low, even heat with the 5K BTU Simmer Burner, Use your multi-purpose burners for daily cooking and searing, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Get Cooking Flexibility with a range of burner sizes and power levels, The cast-iron grates are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCGK7030PS Stainless Steel $1349.99 $550.00 $799.99
Whirlpool36-inch Gas Cooktop with Fifth Burner

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Whirlpool 36-inch Gas Cooktop with Fifth Burner

Easily maintain low, even heat with the 5K BTU Simmer Burner, Use your multi-purpose burners for daily cooking and searing, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Get Cooking Flexibility with a range of burner sizes and power levels, The cast-iron grates are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCGK7036PS Stainless Steel $1449.99 $550.00 $899.99
Whirlpool30-inch Gas Cooktop with 2-in-1 Hinged Grate to Griddle

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Whirlpool 30-inch Gas Cooktop with 2-in-1 Hinged Grate to Griddle

Easily swap cooking surfaces with a 2-in-1 Hinged Grate to Griddle, Easily maintain low, even heat with the 5K BTU Simmer Burner, Use your multi-purpose burners for daily cooking and searing, Meets ADA Standards for Accessible Design, Get Cooking Flexibility with a range of burner sizes and power levels

Model Color Regular Price Savings After Savings
WCGK7530PS Stainless Steel $1549.99 $155.00 $1,394.99

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