Maytag Range Hood Replacement Charcoal Filter

Model No: 8285507

  • This product is a Factory Certified Accessory. These three words represent quality parts and accessories designed specifically for your appliance. Time tested engineering that meets our strict quality specifications
  • Package contains (3) Range Hood Replacement Charcoal Filters
  • Tools Needed: Multi screwdriver
  • 30-Day Return Policy

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Our Low Price: $60.99

This Range Hood Charcoal Filter traps grease from the exhaust air of your oven to prevent it from entering the blower and vent, potentially causing build-up and damage. If your current filter is no longer functioning properly, replacing this accessory may alleviate the issue. This charcoal filter is a universal part that can be used across several brands; check to see if your model number is compatible. Installing this accessory will require no disassembly or repair experience. Recommended Item: The Heavy Duty Degreaser Spray cuts through grease, oil and burned-on spills that may clog your range's filter.
Prop65 Standard
This Part Is A Replacement for the Following Part Numbers W10836778
Carton Depth 14.85
Carton Height 15
Carton Width 6
Gross Weight 1.35
Net Weight 1.35

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