Broan Broan-NuTone® Radiation Damper for LoSone Select® Ventilation Fans

Model No: RD1

  • For use in 1, 2 and 3 hour rated floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling constructions
  • Galvanized steel frame
  • High temperature, non-asbestos, reinforced fiber thermal fabric
  • Stainless steel closure springs
  • 212(degree)F fusible link

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Broan-NuTone® Radiation Damper for LoSone Select® Ventilation Fans

The Broan-NuTone® RD1 Radiation Damper prevents the rapid spread of fire to other areas of a home during a fire. Many codes require that exhaust fans installed in multi-family homes, with fire-rated ceilings, must be protected by radiation dampers. When the air temperature passing through the damper exceeds 165(degree)F, the fusible link melts, triggering the thermal fabric to automatically close across the damper. Airflow is interrupted by a flame and heat barrier, preventing the rapid spread of fire to other areas of the home.

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Style Venthood Accessories

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Product Downloads

Installation Guide Click here to download
Specification Sheet Click here to download

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